Trainers 9 

Graduated in Biology. Environmental educator. Kundalini Yogini since 1998. I started the teaching training Level 1 with Sarabjit Kaur Khalsa in Madrid, but I completed it with Shiv Charan. I studied level 2. And since 2016, I'm doing the mentoring with Hari Amrit and Amrit Nam in Madrid. Now, inside the ATA as Intern


Certificada por KRI como Instructora de Kundalini Yoga nivel 1, Profesora de Kundalini Yoga nivel 2 y Formadora de Profesores Asociada. Más de 25 años de experiencia en diferentes cursos en India de técnicas orientales, hatha yoga y meditación. Coordinadora de Cursos de Formación y viajes a la India en la Escuela Golden Temple. Seva Coordinator Assistant en el Staff del Yoga Festival en Francia.


A los 12 años comencé a estudiar y a practicar Hata Yoga y meditación por mi cuenta. Hice la formación en Hata a los 16 y a los 22 años realicé el nivel 1 El Maestro Acuáriano. Estudie periodismo y actualmente estudio abogacía. Practico artes marciales mixtas y tambien escribo. Mi primer contacto con la espiritualidad fue con la sanación siendo un niño. Concluí el Nivel 1 de Sat Nam Rasayan. Tomé los votos Sikhs y luego de vivir 3 años el estilo de vida decidí de corazón ir más profundo en mi compromiso tomando Amrit. Mi práctica del Dharma es acerca de la integración, la excelencia, el servicio y el crecimiento personal. Sat Nam


KY Practitioner and Medical doctor on Chronical issues and Women's Health. Foster child close to 18 yo. Sat Nam Rasayan healer. Loves research, teaching, singing and walking by nature. Author of the book Gynecologic and hormonal health with Yoga and Meditation.

Catalan, English, Spanish, French

I combine my work as a medical physician with Yoga Teaching in Barcelona, Spain. I work in Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, as an attending respiratory physician. As Yoga Teacher, I am working in the applications of Yoga in different diseases and I am developing courses for different Health Professionals. I am also developing a specific method using Kundalini Yoga to quit smoking. I am vice-president of The Spanish Association of Therapeuthic Yoga. I can teach in Spanish, Catalan and English.

English, Spanish

BA in Communication and Marketing from Middlesex University (London, UK) Postgraduate in Ibero-American Cultural Cooperation from the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, ​​Spain) Kundalini Yoga Teacher – Level 1 & 2 – Certified by KRI and AEKY Intern Trainer at ATA (Aquarian Teacher Academy) mentored by HariAmrit Kaur (Andrea Martëns). ATA Regional Administrator (KRI) for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia. I connected with the teachings of Yogi Bhajan in 2004 in Barcelona (Spain). The following year I gave up my occupations to fully dedicate myself to a disciplined practice of Kundalini Yoga. Since 2006 I have been teaching Kundalini Yoga classes, workshops and retreats. I studied the 3 levels of SNR. In 2011 I created YoguiJi, the first Kundalini Yoga school in Granada. YoguiJi has been an important development space both personally and professionally. In 2018 I moved to Seville and started working on a new project: MyogiK. MyogiK is a proposal to continue sharing the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and addressing important issues of health, well-being and the environment.

English, Spanish, French

i started my kundalini yoga practice in the year 2000 in italy. the choice to do the training and to share the teachings was immediate. i have been teaching kundalini yoga classes for more than 15 years now, at least 9 hours per week. over the years i have met and studied karam kriya . i started to collaborate with Nam Hari Kaur in 2009, if memory serves me well, in the first first level training organised in madrid by the karamkriya school. i have been active for years, in other trainings organised between the comunidad de Madrid y León . the last two years i stopped after the sudden death of my husband. i continued to teach the weekly classes, but i withdrew from the last two trainings that Nam Hari Kaur organised online. now i feel i can come back after the profound process i went through. together with nam hari kaur and the training equipo we are about to start a new hybrid format training in spain, date february 2023. my process is slow and despite the many hours i dedicate,but i am moving forward to become an associate.

Spanish, Italian

Born in France, living in Spain for 25 years. Married and mother of two nice teenagers. Based in Menorca with a slow and healthy lifestyle. Dedicated to family, teachings, and community support. Communication, meditation and a deep understanding of the process of life and creative responses are the highlights of my teachings as a kundalini yoga trainer. An inclusive and international perspective, as well as my language skills, have always put translation on my yogic path, offering seva for the Trainer Academy and training programs. I like to learn, to excel, to share and to work as a team. I have been organizing teacher trainings in the Balearic Islands for several years in collaboration with Cherdi kala. I am looking forward to progressing in the Academy, but I remain attentive and respectful of the organic rhythms that life brings.

German, English, Spanish, French