Trainers 3 

English, Estonian

Kundalini Yoga opened its doors for me 14 years ago and ever since I have been an enthusiastic student and sharer. I have finished level 1 and 2 teacher trainings in France, Naad Yoga teacher training at the Raj Academy of Asian Music and Meditative Healing I and II levels. My spiritual name Taranbir stands for a rescue sailboat that will lead us all into Infinity. I am interested in bringing together yogic teachings and fairy tales. I have experience of managing translation and language technology companies.

English, Estonian, Finnish, Russian

Prabhudeep Kaur (Terri Mang) is from Estonia, has more than 20 years of experience in active entrepreneurship, using organisational skills and resourceful creative work. This background led her to dedicate her life to spread awareness about human potential and the opportunities of yogic lifestyle. In 2011 Prabhudeep completed her certification as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and started teaching regular yoga classes and workshops. She has further studied Conscious Pregnancy, Yoga for Children and Youth, as well as Karam Kriya (Applied Numerology) and Meditative Healing™. Between 2012-2014 she was the Chairman of the Estonian Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association. Since 2017 she is a member of the Aquarian Trainer Academy. Prabhudeep Kaur is married to Prabhudeep Singh, with whom they raise a son and live in their ashram home in the countryside (Hatu Manor) where they host the L1, L2 Kundalini Teacher Trainings, weekly yoga classes, various yoga workshops and retreats for youth, women and men. As well the Estonian Kundalini Yoga Festival since 2019.

English, Estonian, Russian