Trainers 1 

my first formative discipline was karate. 5 ° dan black belt, I was part of the Italian national team participating in European and World championships. in 1990 I won the silver medal at the women's world cup in Fukuoka in Japan. I was then coach and then instructor. my Study are in Professional Educator degree.I have worked with children, the disabled and drug addicts. in 2000, I opened a center, now Sat Nam Yoga Center and I started practicing Kundalini yoga. from there began my journey. in 2004 I met Shiv Charan Singh with whom I received my level 1 certification. in 2005 I started teaching in my center and since then I have never stopped. every week I teach from 8 to 12 classes. in 2006 I started my 2nd level, Conscious Pregnancy and I continue to study with Shiv Charan Singh in numerology. I am Sat Sangat Kaur, the name that Yogi Bhajan gave me in 2002. the great love I have for him is infinite. as well as for Shiv Charan Singh for having seen and believed in me.

English, Italian