Trainers 1 

i started my kundalini yoga practice in the year 2000 in italy. the choice to do the training and to share the teachings was immediate. i have been teaching kundalini yoga classes for more than 15 years now, at least 9 hours per week. over the years i have met and studied karam kriya . i started to collaborate with Nam Hari Kaur in 2009, if memory serves me well, in the first first level training organised in madrid by the karamkriya school. i have been active for years, in other trainings organised between the comunidad de Madrid y León . the last two years i stopped after the sudden death of my husband. i continued to teach the weekly classes, but i withdrew from the last two trainings that Nam Hari Kaur organised online. now i feel i can come back after the profound process i went through. together with nam hari kaur and the training equipo we are about to start a new hybrid format training in spain, date february 2023. my process is slow and despite the many hours i dedicate,but i am moving forward to become an associate.

Spanish, Italian