Trainers 2 

Musician and teacher living up in the French Alps, I have been struck since the very beginning of my practice by the power of the sound. Anahat, the unstruck sound, is what guides me to offer online meditation classes, practice on my own and sing mantras for various live and online events. I am happy to start the path towards being a trainer today. Sat nam.

English, French

My blessing is to have met Kundalini Yoga in Togo, Africa in 2008. My happiness is to teach it in France and to become a trainer with Ik Saran Dhian School. My motto is to transmit Joy through Service for a world where we learn to live with compassion, to be the leaders of this new era, respectful of Mother Earth. As a woman, I want to be part of the change. My wish is to meet with you at the European Festival, French Festival or at a Teacher training. I enjoy teaching Yogic Spiritual and Western anatomy and leading Aquarian Sadhana mantras with my guitar.

English, French