Trainers 23 

Graduated in Biology. Environmental educator. Kundalini Yogini since 1998. I started the teaching training Level 1 with Sarabjit Kaur Khalsa in Madrid, but I completed it with Shiv Charan. I studied level 2. And since 2016, I'm doing the mentoring with Hari Amrit and Amrit Nam in Madrid. Now, inside the ATA as Intern


Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer; Sat Nam Rasayan teacher. English and Spanish speaker. I teach in Madrid, Spain; also teaching in several Spanish cities in Europe and South America. I'm also Medical Doctor (Orthopedic) and Osteopath (BCOM, London). My office is in Madrid Beside yoga and healing, I like to play guitar (beginner), painting watercolors and walking through the mountains (last one, Cerro Tuco, 5600 mt, in Chile. amazing)

English, Spanish

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level Two Conscious Communication — Beijing, China, May 14, 2024 to Aug 17, 2024

Certificada por KRI como Instructora de Kundalini Yoga nivel 1, Profesora de Kundalini Yoga nivel 2 y Formadora de Profesores Asociada. Más de 20 años de experiencia en diferentes cursos en India de técnicas orientales, hatha yoga y meditación. Facilitadora meditaciones Activas Osho, terapeuta floral, Maestra de Reiki Usui, Healing light, Chamanismo, canalizacion con radioestesia… Iniciada como sannyasin Con Chaitanya Bharti Gurudev discípulo de Osho. Coordinadora de Cursos de Formación y viajes a la India en la Escuela Golden Temple. Seva Coordinator Assistant en el Staff del Yoga Festival en Francia.


I was born in Valencia (Spain), training in Madrid as a yoga teacher. I met Sarabjit Kaur Khalsa in Madrid. I was in the second KY training course in Madrid, and have assisted in this course for twenty years. I work as a KY trainer, teacher and counselor, in Spain and Europe. I work as a computer programming teacher in Madrid, and run a tiny business of ecological grocery, growing and delivering them. We are building up an ashram, in Guadalajara (Spain) Since 1992 I have been assisting the European Yoga Festival. I was blessed to meet the Siri Singh Sahib four times, and he, personally gave my name in Barcelona in 1992. I lived as a Khalsa for 20 years, and finally took Khalsa vows in 2010. In free time I develop water ram pumps, and think on electrical power generation systems.

A los 12 años comencé a estudiar y a practicar Hata Yoga y meditación por mi cuenta. Hice la formación en Hata a los 16 y a los 22 años realicé el nivel 1 El Maestro Acuáriano. Estudie periodismo y actualmente estudio abogacía. Practico artes marciales mixtas y tambien escribo. Mi primer contacto con la espiritualidad fue con la sanación siendo un niño. Concluí el Nivel 1 de Sat Nam Rasayan. Tomé los votos Sikhs y luego de vivir 3 años el estilo de vida decidí de corazón ir más profundo en mi compromiso tomando Amrit. Mi práctica del Dharma es acerca de la integración, la excelencia, el servicio y el crecimiento personal. Sat Nam


KY Practitioner and Medical doctor on Chronical issues and Women's Health. Foster child close to 18 yo. Sat Nam Rasayan healer. Loves research, teaching, singing and walking by nature. Author of the book Gynecologic and hormonal health with Yoga and Meditation.

Catalan, English, Spanish, French

I combine my work as a medical physician with Yoga Teaching in Barcelona, Spain. I work in Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, as an attending respiratory physician. As Yoga Teacher, I am working in the applications of Yoga in different diseases and I am developing courses for different Health Professionals. I am also developing a specific method using Kundalini Yoga to quit smoking. I am vice-president of The Spanish Association of Therapeuthic Yoga. I can teach in Spanish, Catalan and English.

I'm a Lead Trainer training in Madrid, Alicante, Murcia and Granada (Spain). I also teach in Chile. I run a big yoga studio in Madrid, called Avagar. Beside this, I'm a psychologist-psychoterapist and actively see many clients every week.

English, Spanish

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — 41808 Villanueva del Ariscal, Seville, Spain, Nov 18, 2023 to Oct 20, 2024

English, Spanish

Soy Profesor de Kundalini Yoga desde 1996, desde 2005 soy Formador de Profesores y soy Director de Centro Dorado, escuela de Kundalini Yoga fundada en 2002. Estoy especializado en Posturas de Kundalini Yoga y soy un gran amigo y discípulo de GuruPrem Singh (Maestro de Posturas) al que anualmente invito para a Madrid para dar el Curso de Perfeccionamiento de Posturas. Mi página web: Mi email: Mi mobil phone: 34649018875 Mi phone: 34916425952

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Alcorcón, Madrid, Spain, Jan 20, 2024 to Apr 6, 2025
Level One Teacher Training — 28830 San Fernando de Henares, Madrid, Spain, Jan 27, 2024 to Apr 13, 2025

Trainer & Mentor of Level 1 & 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training Director & Teacher of the Meditative Healing Program™ Developer & Lead Teacher of the Total Man Training™ Historian & Political Scientist Healer & Spiritual Counselor Doctor in Study of Religions Jivan Mukta was born in Santiago, the capital of Chile in 1977. At the age of 23 he embraced a daily practice of Yoga and three years later he completed his Teacher Training and started teaching Kundalini Yoga in Chile. In 2003 he moved to Spain and consolidated as a Kundalini Yoga Teacher in Madrid.His yogic discipline and profound call on spirituality blossomed together when he moved to Finland in 2005. After 14 years as a pioneer in the Nordic country, he left behind a community of hundreds of trained Kundalini Yoga teachers, practitioners of Meditative Healing™, an active Kundalini Yoga Association, and a research in the University of Helsinki, where he taught and received a Doctoral degree in the Study of Religions in 2016. Jivan Mukta is a travelling teacher, a mentor and a healer with a deep grasp of the biomechanics of the body, mind and spirit.

English, Spanish

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Gran Canaria, Las Palmas, Spain, Oct 7, 2023 to Jul 28, 2024

BA in Communication and Marketing from Middlesex University (London, UK) Postgraduate in Ibero-American Cultural Cooperation from the University of Barcelona (Barcelona, ​​Spain) Kundalini Yoga Teacher – Level 1 & 2 – Certified by KRI and AEKY Intern Trainer at ATA (Aquarian Teacher Academy) mentored by HariAmrit Kaur (Andrea Martëns). ATA Regional Administrator (KRI) for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Russia. I connected with the teachings of Yogi Bhajan in 2004 in Barcelona (Spain). The following year I gave up my occupations to fully dedicate myself to a disciplined practice of Kundalini Yoga. Since 2006 I have been teaching Kundalini Yoga classes, workshops and retreats. I studied the 3 levels of SNR. In 2011 I created YoguiJi, the first Kundalini Yoga school in Granada. YoguiJi has been an important development space both personally and professionally. In 2018 I moved to Seville and started working on a new project: MyogiK. MyogiK is a proposal to continue sharing the teachings of Kundalini Yoga and addressing important issues of health, well-being and the environment.

English, Spanish, French

Destiny brought me to Kundalini yoga when I was 24 years old in 1999. Kundalini yoga started to change my life, my habits the way to see life. I was very lucky to have NamNidaham Kaur as my mentor. After a years of constant sadhana practice I went to Española for the Summer Solstice and did my first white tantra course and my first level one course with Yogi Bhajan. It was the best moment of my life, it was intense but I had so much fun, meeting so many beautiful people. Yogi Bhajan said that I had to go to Europe because they needed people like me, so i went to Europe and ended up in Barcelona Spain working in this most beautiful yoga center Shuni Yoga dedicated to the teaching of Kundalini yoga, they gave me work because they were looking for some like me who was so committed, since then I started a mentoring process, going through many processes, doing so many courses, like Sat Nam Rasayan, Karam kriya, level two, white tantric yoga and more. I feel grateful and blessed to be part of 3HO. Blessings to all Sat Nam.

English, Spanish

Certified Level 3 and Lead Trainer for level 1 and 2 with more than 35 years of experience with Kundalini Yoga. Studied directly with Yogi Bhajan in his Master's Touch courses and many different occasions and places. Director of Golden Temple Academy in Barcelona, Spain.Founded Golden Temple company in 1990 and introduced Yogi Tea and 3HO music throughout all Spain. Pioneer of this sacred technology in Spain along with his mentees Gurudass Singh & Kaur as Co-founder and ex-president of the National Spanish Association. Gatka teacher and President of Spanish Gatka Federation. Actually teaching and sharing with his wife Devi Dyal Kaur around the world...

Catalan, English, Spanish

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Torredembarra, Tarragona, Spain, Nov 25, 2023 to Sep 22, 2024

Co-founder of Esfera Ahimsa Nam Anand, a non-governmental NGO dedicated to the teaching and practice of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Karam Kriya, Healing and consciously aware practices that help us to live a life without harm to any human being, with respect for the beings that share life on Earth with us.


Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Tenerife, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain, Feb 3, 2024 to Dec 8, 2024
Level One Teacher Training — Lima, Peru, Mar 16, 2024 to Dec 15, 2024
Level Two Vitality and Stress — C. Palomera, 10, 24007 León, Spain, May 17, 2024 to Aug 24, 2024

i started my kundalini yoga practice in the year 2000 in italy. the choice to do the training and to share the teachings was immediate. i have been teaching kundalini yoga classes for more than 15 years now, at least 9 hours per week. over the years i have met and studied karam kriya . i started to collaborate with Nam Hari Kaur in 2009, if memory serves me well, in the first first level training organised in madrid by the karamkriya school. i have been active for years, in other trainings organised between the comunidad de Madrid y León . the last two years i stopped after the sudden death of my husband. i continued to teach the weekly classes, but i withdrew from the last two trainings that Nam Hari Kaur organised online. now i feel i can come back after the profound process i went through. together with nam hari kaur and the training equipo we are about to start a new hybrid format training in spain, date february 2023. my process is slow and despite the many hours i dedicate,but i am moving forward to become an associate.

Spanish, Italian

Born in France, living in Spain for 25 years. Married and mother of two nice teenagers. Based in Menorca with a slow and healthy lifestyle. Dedicated to family, teachings, and community support. Communication, meditation and a deep understanding of the process of life and creative responses are the highlights of my teachings as a kundalini yoga trainer. An inclusive and international perspective, as well as my language skills, have always put translation on my yogic path, offering seva for the Trainer Academy and training programs. I like to learn, to excel, to share and to work as a team. I have been organizing teacher trainings in the Balearic Islands for several years in collaboration with Cherdi kala. I am looking forward to progressing in the Academy, but I remain attentive and respectful of the organic rhythms that life brings.

German, English, Spanish, French

I am Sarabjit Kaur Khalsa, a pioneer of Kundalini Yoga in Spain, especially in Madrid. I am a lead trainer for level 1 and level 2 Aquarian Teacher programs. I teach throughout Europe and especially in Spain. Soy la pionera de Kundalini Yoga en España y formadora líder de Nivel 1 y 2 en España y por Europa. I teach in English and Spanish. You can contact me at this email: Puedes contactar conmigo a el email

English, Spanish

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Guadalajara, Spain, Nov 3, 2023 to Nov 17, 2024
Level Two Authentic Relationships — Guadalajara, Spain, May 24, 2024 to Sep 14, 2024

Sat Darshan is a Professional Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer and also Shakti Dance® Lead Teacher Trainer. Specializations within Kundalini Yoga: Naad Yoga, Asana, Energy Anatomy. She is a certified Naad Yoga Teacher and also Sound Healer, recording artist and Life Coach. Sat Darshan teaches weekly classes online and holds workshops, retreats and teacher trainings in different locations in the world. She organizes and teaches in trainings (Kundalini Yoga, Shakti Dance) in Finland, Spain and elsewhere in Europe and collaborates in trainings in South America.

English, Spanish, Finnish

Sat Nam, my name is Sat Guru Kaur Khalsa, I run a training programme level one in Guru Guru my school, Barcelona. I feel it's important for students to not only learn the teachings but to apply them directly in everyday life so they receive the training as a residential experience in amazing farmhouses in the countryside in Spain, where we also dedicate a part of the training to Ayurvedic and Macrobiotic cooking. I have lived in Spain for 7 years teaching and training. I specialize in Women's Retreats and workshops as I was impacted passionately by Yogiji's call for all women to wake up and SIMPLY BE A WOMAN! I speak Spanish, French and English. I met the teachings 15 years ago with my amazing first teacher Sat Nam Kaur in Mexico, and got inspired to meet the Master two years later... the rest is history.

Spanish, French, English

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Moscow, Russia, Oct 28, 2023 to Sep 1, 2024

Blessed to have the priviledge of sharing these amazing teachings, in spanish and english, in Spain and abroad. From my background I am a: - Kundalini Yoga Professional Teacher Trainer. With 18 years experience. Level 1 & 2 completed. - Teacher, teacher trainer and personal Karam Kriya counsellor, under Shiv Charan Singh direction. Co-founder of the Karam Kriya Association in Spain. - Sat Nam Rasayan Healer. Also graduated in NLP and Psicographology with all its specialities. - Teacher and organizer of Women Circles. Personal Growing sessions focused on the nature of woman. - Meditation Teacher - Singing mantras and Kirtan. Voice and harmonium. Musician from conservatory. - Organizer of Kundalini Yoga trips to the desert of Morocco, among other workshops in Spain & abroad.

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain, Dec 2, 2023 to Nov 9, 2024
Level Two Conscious Communication — Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain, Mar 22, 2024 to Jul 6, 2024

Siri Vedya Kaur, (Maria Àngela Llaona) Professional Trainer in Kundalini Yoga , Director of "OMANA" Yoga School on the Costa Brava - Catalunya. Since 1998 at the service of people offering techniques to care for the body, mind and emotions. She and her team offer a work plan for personal and professional success. Journalist, Member of the Journalists Association of Catalonia, she continues to work in the radio. Therapist since 1998, trained in biomagnetic pairs, Tuina, Shiatsu, Japanese and European Reflexology, in floral essences of the world, Auriculotherapy, Hinaishin Akebane, Reiki, Moxibustion, Ito Thermie, Macrobiotics, etc ... She has also been a Kundalini Yoga Teacher since 2002 and teacher of Shakti Dance since 2011. Trained in Gurudass Kaur Child Play Yoga and Prabhu Nam Kaur Children's Yoga Specialization. Tantric Numerology with Gurudass Singh and Maria Krishna Lapuente .. Accredited in the professional qualification of instruction in yoga by the Generalitat of Catalonia and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport. Registered in the official registry of Sports professionals of Catalonia (REP), in the Spanish Association of Kundalini Yoga (AEKY) and the International Kundalini Yoga Teachers Association (IKYTA). Currently Professional Trainer of Kundalini Yoga teachers internationally with Gurudass Kaur's Team.


Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — C. de Sicilia, 236B, 08013 Barcelona, Spain, Jan 27, 2024 to Jan 12, 2025

Director del Centro de Yoga Rasayan en Coslada(Madrid)
