Trainers 6 

English, Russian

When more than 10 years ago Kundalini Yoga came into my life and this practice began to change my life, showed me my strengths - to hold on, not to give up and go forward, the intention to carry this knowledge further arose by itself. And now my true passion and deep intention is to make sacred knowledge in its purest and unchanging form available to thousands of people throughout Russia and abroad. So that the space of these teachers is accessible not only to the chosen ones. So that neither Finance nor knowledge of the language and other circumstances could not limit people looking for effective ways of transformation and elevation of their life and life in General. And I know that thousands and thousands of people across our country deserve to learn from the greatest teachers of our time, without spending a lot of money and time, but investing their intention, patience and discipline. And I also know that by exalting ourselves, uplifting others, and serving each other, we can make our world a brighter and better place!

English, Russian

Ментор тренеров KRI. Преподаю Кундалини йогу с 1992 года. Тренер йоги YogaAlliance E-RYT500. Интегративный психолог, терапевт по работе с соматической травмой (Integral Somatic Psychotherapy Institute, USA), терапевт-биосинтетик (Somatic and Depth Psychology Oriented Psychotherapy,IIBS). В 2013 году создала Академию Интегративной Кундалини Йоги (I.K.Y.A.) RYS500, где соединила классический Тренинг Учителей КЙ и переподготовку по практической психологии. . Веду: Тренинг учителей Кундалини йоги KRI Уровень 1 + практическая психология - Тренинг учителей Кундалини йоги KRI Уровень 2 - Классы +7 (910) 434-93-57 . Кундалини йогу люблю за то, что в нее не надо верить – точная, эффективная технология работает для самого скептичного новичка, решившего испытать её на практике. Самым большим благословением считаю моих учителей, а самой большой драгоценностью – учеников.


Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Moscow, Russia, Jan 25, 2024 to Jun 22, 2025

I was born in a small town in Belarus during the Soviet Union times. After school I’ve graduated from the Faculty of International Relations in Minsk and worked in the field of international logistics and marketing. In 2003 I moved to Moscow. I’m married and have two children - a daughter of 18 years and a son of 14. In my youth I tried to do hatha yoga, but seriously came to this path in 2015. I have been doing Kundalini yoga since 2017, I completed the training courses at the Academy of Integrative Kundalini Yoga (IKYA) in Moscow, the 1st level of Aquarian Techer Program in 2021, and Level 2 Teaching ptogramm in 2024. I teach yoga classes in the city of Korolev, Moscow region since 2019 and continue to study at the IKYA interership. Hobbies - reading, needlework, psychology, growing flowers.

Belarusian, English, Russian, Serbian