Trainers 1 

My deepest experience with the tools of Kundalini Yoga was in Amritsar, my mind and soul got healing by sitting in the marvelous sound of the holy scriptures.Since than Breath and Naad carry me through the challenges of life. Aged18 I began to be a healer as a physiotherapist, than as a socialworker and therapist for People with Special Needs. For a few years I even was a Woldorfteacher. Through being a mother of 3 children I also became a yogateacher for mothers journey and yoga for kids. As our 5 children are out of the house my husband and I started our own kundalini Yogaschool. We offer more than just level 1 and 2 have a look on With this school we want to grow the sangat and give our pupils a home and foundation from where they than can move on, as our children did and do. Every summer we offer a week of sangat experience near Basel in France. It is like a familymeeting and yogic holiday time. I am also one of the members who set up the Yogatherpaietraining in 3HO Germany meanwhile pranajio offers yogatherapiecourses to certain topics..

German, English