Trainers 1 

Sat Sarbat Kaur Khalsa is a KRI-certified Kundalini Yoga Lead Trainer for Level 1 and 2, and a Mentoring Lead. Since 1999, she has been practicing Kundalini Yoga, and also completed several other trainings, such as Sat Nam Rasayan Healing, Numerology, Conscious Pregnancy, and children’s yoga. She offers KRI Teacher Trainings in several countries in Asia, Australia, and Europe. Her main focus is to help in the development of local teacher communities, and to assist the teachers to grow fully into their roles and responsibilities to spread the Teachings.

German, English, Spanish, French, Italian

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Xiamen, Fujian, China, May 16, 2024 to Nov 29, 2024
Level Two Mind and Meditation — Bratislava, Slovakia, Oct 1, 2024 to Jan 4, 2025
Level Two Conscious Communication — İstanbul, Türkiye, Oct 22, 2024 to Jan 25, 2025
Level One Teacher Training — Sunshine Coast QLD, Australia, Nov 10, 2024 to Jul 26, 2025
Level Two Vitality and Stress — Brisbane QLD, Australia, Nov 19, 2024 to Feb 22, 2025
Level Two Authentic Relationships — Dali, Yunnan, China, Dec 2, 2024 to Mar 7, 2025