Trainers 2 

Certificada por KRI como Instructora de Kundalini Yoga nivel 1, Profesora de Kundalini Yoga nivel 2 y Formadora de Profesores Asociada. Más de 20 años de experiencia en diferentes cursos en India de técnicas orientales, hatha yoga y meditación. Facilitadora meditaciones Activas Osho, terapeuta floral, Maestra de Reiki Usui, Healing light, Chamanismo, canalizacion con radioestesia… Iniciada como sannyasin Con Chaitanya Bharti Gurudev discípulo de Osho. Coordinadora de Cursos de Formación y viajes a la India en la Escuela Golden Temple. Seva Coordinator Assistant en el Staff del Yoga Festival en Francia.


Certified Level 3 and Lead Trainer for level 1 and 2 with more than 35 years of experience with Kundalini Yoga. Studied directly with Yogi Bhajan in his Master's Touch courses and many different occasions and places. Director of Golden Temple Academy in Barcelona, Spain.Founded Golden Temple company in 1990 and introduced Yogi Tea and 3HO music throughout all Spain. Pioneer of this sacred technology in Spain along with his mentees Gurudass Singh & Kaur as Co-founder and ex-president of the National Spanish Association. Gatka teacher and President of Spanish Gatka Federation. Actually teaching and sharing with his wife Devi Dyal Kaur around the world...

Catalan, English, Spanish

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level One Teacher Training — Torredembarra, Tarragona, Spain, Nov 25, 2023 to Sep 22, 2024