Trainers 4 

PhD in Medicine; Professor at the University of Minas Gerais. Author of several books and scientific papers. CEO of ABAKY and consultant for several ABAKY's projects in education and health. ABAKY is an Aquarian NP Organization aiming to promote Kundalini Yoga and Shabd Guru as a tool to help and serve the community at large, teachers and students. Our latest project is the implementation of a Dharmic School for children and adolescents.

German, English, Spanish, Portuguese

Graduation in musical education and specialization in neuroscience in education. Works on various projects at ABAKY (Brazilian Association of Friends of Kundalini Yoga) and sevas such as children's day care, male prison, sound and health, yoga for men and Miri Piri School Brazil. Music coordination of Naam Simran Jetha and Shabad Guru in gurdwaras.


Master in Education with the research "Kundalini Yoga: practices of freedom in contexts of imprisonment". Philosopher. Teached Humanities Studies and Gatka at Miri Piri School at Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil for 5 years. Mantra Yoga program. Kundalini Yoga for men. Kundalini Yoga courses to teenagers. Member of Nam Simran Jetha of kirtan. Member of the coordination team of ABAKY Team leader of IKYTA (since 2021)

English, Portuguese
Portuguese, English

Ongoing and Upcoming Programs

Level Two Mind and Meditation — Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, Oct 25, 2024 to Feb 1, 2025